Caregiver Education Program: Toddler and Me Yoga

April 30th from 10 – 10:45 AM

Join Erin from Whole Mama Yoga for a FREE class that brings mindfulness and yoga to toddlers in a fun and playful way. Doing yoga with your toddler is a powerful way to instill confidence and model healthy habits. This class is designed for children ages 1-4 and their caregivers, but even younger yogis will benefit from this practice as well. Is your child pulling up and exploring mobility on two feet? Are they a fast crawler and interested in movement? Are they curious about other people who are moving? This class is the right fit for your little yogi! Mats will be available to use, but please bring one if you have one! This class will be held in the Program Room of Kidzu, not the Nest.

This program is FREE.

Registration is required

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