Book Buzz!

Kidzu is excited to announce Book Buzz! Kidzu’s featured Book of the Month in our Book Nook. These monthly reads include extension activities that will inspire your little ones to bring the book to life in our Makery exhibit! As a part of the Susan Ross Education Fund, we’re able to have new books each month! This month enjoy Red Sings from Treetops and Green! We also have extension activities to do while you’re at Kidzu! They’re here just for the month of May!

You can find updates for Book Buzz on the left side of the homepage! 

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R2-D2 replica!

This is Ethan and his amazing R2-D2 replica that he created in the Makery. We love seeing kids recreate things they have seen in movies. Especially movies they saw at Silverspot theater in University Mall!

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Frogs Life Cycle

Come into Kidzu and learn all about frogs! We are celebrating the importance of these amazing creatures for the next few weeks. Don’t miss out on the exciting and educational exhibits we have created. In the Makery we have been learning about the Frog life cycles. Want to learn more? Come stop by!

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Frogs on the Blog: Challenging

There is a challenging and new scavenger hunt on the blog. Read the poem below and follow the instructions to try and find the hiding frogs. If you can find them send in a picture to and you will get featured on Kidzu’s blog! 

These frogs are tiny,

where could they be?

They’re hiding on the blog,

and difficult to see!

Both of these frogs are very small.

Can you help us at Kidzu and try to find them all?

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Frogs on the Blog

There is a new scavenger hunt on the blog. Read the poem below and follow the instructions to try and find the hiding frogs. If you can find them send in a picture to and you will get featured on Kidzu’s blog! 

There are frogs on the blog.

Where could they be?

We have counted the frogs and there are two that we see.

The frogs are green with big red eyes.

They’re hiding on the blog like tiny green spies.

Click through the tabs to find the hiding creatures.

Keep an eye out for their bright colored features.

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Fran and the new bee hive!

e are excited to welcome the new addition to the floor, our very own bee hive! Our student scientist, Fran, came into Kidzu and helped some of our Kidzu workers create Kidzu’s first beehive! It is a structure made out of wood blocks and it is now open for the public. Come to Kidzu to look at the new exhibit and keep your eye out for the new pieces that will be added to the bee hive this summer. 

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Treasure chest of creativity!

In the Makery there are thousands of posibilities for children to expand their creativity and engage with new and exciting ideas. This Makery visitor used materials in the Makery to make her own treasure chest. She even hid small clues around the Makery so that other children might be able to find the treasure one day. 

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Disappearing Frogs Project

Kidzu is helping to raise awareness about the importance of frogs by partnering with the disappearing frogs project. We will be doing froggy activities in the Makery and all across Kidzu. Come stop by to learn about this amazing cause!

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Josh Taylor Mix It Up

This weekend in the Makery we had an exciting and unique Mix It Up with Josh Taylor. Josh did an amazing job of teaching everyone how to illustrate frogs using simple shapes. Josh Taylor was also joined by his special “frog assistant” (his daughter). We were excited when Josh Taylor shared some of his sketches from working on The Legend of Lizard Lick, as well as some images from his portfolio. It was interesting to compare our work to his and see all of the differences and similarities. 

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Geo and Origami Frogs

This weekend we had a Makery fellow showcase some of his special skills! Geo lead a class on making Origami frogs and then proceeded to have a frog jumping contest! If you missed the lesson on how to make Origami frogs, you can always stop by the Makery and somebody will help you learn.

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