Have you seen Kidzu’s Outdoor Learning Garden? It is located right outside the University Mall Entrance beside Alfredo’s Pizza! There are lots of flowers blooming and even more pollinators visiting the garden this month. Make sure to stop by and explore the crazy colors and buzzing bees when you get a chance. If you see a pollinator on your visit, send us a picture! We love to see who visits! You can also check out our garden page by following the black button on the Makery Blog home page!
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Let’s Play
Inspiring children and adults in their lives to learn through creative play.
See our Visitor Guidelines and health and safety plan.
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Get to Know Us
From our interactive environments to our educational programing and virtual activities, there is something for everyone.
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- Memberships
A Kidzu membership offers creative play and learning all year long. Membership pays for itself in as little as 5 visits.
- Join Our Team
Join the Kidzu team! Kidzu offers a variety of paid positions, internships, and volunteer opportunities.
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Broaden our impact by supporting the Kidzu Community.
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Support Kidzu and make creative, playful learning experiences accessible to our entire community.
- Community Sponsors
It takes many hands to hold up a children’s museum. Thank you to all of our sponsors who support Kidzu.
- Kidzu’s Expansion
Support us in Kidzu’s expansion!
- The Nest
Welcome to The Nest!
Kidzu’s newest early learning environment for infants, toddlers, and their caregivers to learn and connect with each other through play.
- Special Events
Join us in celebrating and supporting Kidzu’s community impact at one of our annual fundraising events!
- Summerfest
Join us for our Annual Summerfest!
- 2024 Fall Benefit
Save the Date for Kidzu’s Annual 2024 Fall Benefit!